Business Start-up Costs

Includes amounts paid or incurred for (1) creating an active trade or business, or (2)investigating the creation or acquisition of an active trade or business.


  1. A cost that could be deducted if paid or incurred to operate an existing active trade or business (in thesame fi eld as the one entered into), and
  2. A cost paid or incurred before the day the active trade or business begins


  1. Analysis or survey of potential markets, products, labor supply, transportation facilities, etc.
  2. Advertisements for business opening
  3. Salaries and wages for employees who are being trained and their instructors
  4. Travel and other necessary costs for securing prospective distributors, suppliers, or customers
  5. Salaries and fees for executives and consultants, or for similar professional services

Does not include deductible interest, taxes, or research and experimental costs.

Organizational costs


Must meet all qualifications

  1. For the creation of the corporation or the partnership
  2. Chargeable to a capital account
  3. Could be amortized over the life of the corporation or the partnership if the corporation or the partnership had a fixed life, and
  4. Cost incurred:

Organizational costs include costs of temporary directors, organizational meetings, state fi ling fees, and legal and accounting fees for services incident to the incorporation of the corporation or organization of the partnership.

Does not include: